The service starts at 10:30am. An usher will greet you and we encourage you to take a worship bulletin. Browse the bulletin and you’ll see all aspects of the service written there. If you have any questions, just ask. Afterwards we usually meet in the fellowship hall for light snacks and refreshments.
Clothing styles vary at First Presbyterian Church. Some folks wear jeans and flip-flops, others wear jackets and dresses. Wear what you like.
The worship service includes music, prayers (silent and spoken). Scripture readings, greeting one another (called the "passing of the peace"), a sermon, an offering, and a closing prayer.
Music is important in our worship service. We tend to prefer the old, familiar songs, but we also sing contemporary praise and worship hymns. Occasionally, worship includes music provided by an individual vocalist or a group.
On the first Sunday of the month, our worship includes the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (which other churches call the Eucharist or Holy Communion). We also celebrate this sacrament on Maundy Thursday and other special times in the life of the church. Occasionally, the pastor will baptize an infant or adult during worship, a service called the Sacrament of Baptism. -
We love kids! Children are always welcome in worship. Kids are invited up during the worship service for the "Teachable Moment" and there are opportunities where they are able to help with the service.
Usually about an hour. Sometimes a little longer on special occasions, such as Easter, Christmas and baptisms.
You are invited to participate as fully in our worship as you feel comfortable. There are several times in worship where the congregation is invited to stand, including for singing hymns, certain prayers, the affirmation of faith and doxology. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated once a month and is open to EVERYONE.