Performing impartial and unconditional acts of ministry in service of others is likewise central to our faith. We are committed to making a difference in the Allentown and West Side neighborhoods that our congregation call home and in communities beyond. To that end, we organize a food pantry and steward numerous other initiatives that help meet the physical, intellectual, and spiritual needs of Buffalo residents.
This 100-percent volunteer ministry serves people each week directly in our community through the distribution of 30 bags of non-perishable grocery items. The pantry is open every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. courtyard entrance on Symphony Circle. No referral is needed, and no questions are asked. Patrons are counted strictly for statistical purposes. Seasonal items such as gloves and toiletries are collected and distributed ad hoc.
The pantry is the heart beat of First Church’s missions. It is run entirely by volunteers, and food is either donated or purchased with monetary gifts to the Lyon Fund. The pantry is named in honor of Reverend Geri Lyon, the church’s first female pastor, who served from 2001 to 2010.
Donations of the following items are always appreciated: cereal, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna fish, macaroni and cheese, rice, canned beans, canned vegetables, canned of soup, Ramen noodles, toilet paper. (Please, no expired products.)
Click here to make a donation to the Lyon Pantry Fund.