Bible Study Opportunities
On Wednesdays at noon, Pastor Leslie will be offering a study of the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Feel free to
drop in and bring your lunch.
Kurt Froese will be offering a three-week class for Lent which will focus on the three pillars of Lent. These are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Class one will focus on prayer and what role that plays in a life of faith.
Class two will review the tradition of fasting and texts that mention it. We will then discuss what role fasting plays in
the current Christian tradition.
Class three will examine the importance of acts of charity and how they can influence our life as well as the lives of others.
These three pillars will be studied and discussed so that we can apply practical faithful living that influences our
relationships and communities.
Classes will begin March 6th, continue March 13th, and conclude on March 20th. All classes will be 6:30-7:30 p.m. and
will be offered in person at First Church as well as online via Zoom. I look forward to learning together!