Building Use


First Church is a hub of community. The use of our facilities is not limited to members of our congregation. The chapel and sanctuary are available to rent for events such as wedding or baby showers, book discussions, concerts, classes, community meetings, and lectures.

The chapel is a flexible space and can be transformed for a variety of purposes for up to 100 people. The sanctuary is accessible for persons who use wheelchairs and comfortably seats up to 800 (including the upper balconies). Screens and a projector are available when coordinated in advance. Please note that neither space is air conditioned. Events open to the public require a security guard on premises (provided by the church at a rate of $20/hour), and restrictions for use of the parking lot may apply. Use of the organs or pianos requires permission from the organist/choirmaster.

Building use requests require approval from the church’s governing board, the Session. Proof of liability insurance may be requested. Alcohol is not permitted without specific approval from the Session and appropriate state licenses. To begin your rental inquiry, please complete and submit the following form.


Building Use Inquiry Form

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The staff and members of First Church congratulate you on your plans to be married. Marriage is the occasion for the establishment of a lifelong covenant between two people. Weddings are performed by a minister of the church only after there has been sufficient time for the exploration of the meaning of Christian marriage and the significance of the wedding service itself.

Our Guide to Weddings provides the procedures of weddings within our congregation. Please review the document thoroughly, and then complete and submit the following inquiry form.


Wedding Inquiry Form

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Our large facility is also home to 10 tenant organizations who lease space at First Church to conduct work in service of the common good. The relationships we build with our tenants allows us to serve our community in non-religious ways, thereby expanding the reach of our ministry.

While the campus is near full capacity, the possibility of leasing space is always worth a discussion. Over the years, we’ve discovered creative ways to use the building. Complete this form to begin your inquiry.

*At this time the commercial kitchen is not available for lease.


Lease Inquiry FORM

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