Resident Partner FBITES Makes History
Chef Bobby Anderson (center) with his barista program students and Niagara Falls School District Superintendent Mark Laurrie
Innovative, life-changing ideas—such as Welcome Hall and the Visiting Nurse Association of America—have been born within the walls of First Church for over a century. More recently, our resident partner, F-BITES, launched America’s first barista training program for high school students—an idea born within our walls!
F-BITES launched in 2009 as an after school program in the Niagara Falls City School District. It has been leasing a single office in the basement of First Church for general operations since 2017. On Friday, November 1, 2019 it made history by launching a six-week training course where students (many of whom have special needs) are trained to be baristas, learn how to manage a business, and develop everyday skills such as self-confidence, leadership, teamwork, and respect for others.
Staff members Christina Banas and Marykate Waringa, along with volunteer Liz Kolken, attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at Niagara Falls High School. The group, representing First Church and One Symphony Circle, Inc., arrived early see the program in action, meet some of the students, sip delicious coffee, and chat with Chef Bobby.
Chef Bobby and volunteer Liz Kolken
Bobby Anderson is gregarious and charismatic, usually smiling and in good humor, and always dapperly dressed. He and his wife and business partner, Jamie Evan, worked tirelessly through seemingly endless hoops to launch this new program. They were forced to use their creativity and ingenuity to navigate issues such as restrictions for charitable organizations, federal school guidelines, Starbucks protocols, near-missed FedEx deliveries, and other dizzying hurdles that might have caused others to give up.
The ribbon cutting ceremony was a joyful, feel-good event that made history. To say that Christina, Marykate, and Liz were inspired is an understatement. Now we will let these pictures and videos speak for themselves.
PS - For those wondering, “F-BITES” stands for Food Based Interventions with Technology, Energy, & Science.
Chef Bobby’s speech at the ribbon cutting ceremony for F-BITES Barista Training Program
Liz Kolken was the first customer!
Students watching the ribbon cutting